Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beginner Lesson :: Lesson 1 :: Piano Fingering

This is the second lesson for the beginner category. View First Lesson if you have not seen it. It is complete with a pdf document for a better explanation
In this lesson, we will be looking at fingering.
In this post we covered all the basics you need to know about a keyboard, the type of keyboard you need and etc.


Simply put, fingering on the piano is the way you place your fingers on the key. There is a natural and comfortable way to place your fingers on the keyboard. The most natural feeling occurs when you place your five fingers on both hands over the highlighted keys on the keyboard image below.

The numbering above is the number of the finger you place on those keys
The image below explains this better

You will find out that if you place your fingers on the highlighted keys above according to the numbering, it should feel very comfortable.

Now, that's your first exercise. If you are a total beginner, place your fingers on the keyboard according to the numbering.
Try to press the keys one after the other, beginning with your left hand and then you can switch to your right hand.

I have made a video to explain this simple lesson further. Check out the video below

In the next lesson, we will be looking at fingering exercises to help strengthen your fingers.
If you are a total beginner and you want to start learning, try to get yourself familiar with the keys. Please make sure to look at the first lesson. It has foundation information and is very important for your learning experience.

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